滨州成人高考复习,让小编来给你一点干货吧!下面是英语介词的用法,一起来看看吧! quite satisfied with your answer.
Many intellectuals with revolutionary tendencies went to the liberated areas. 许多带有革命倾向的知识分子都投奔解放区了。(有) These apartment houses are for workers with families. 这些住宅楼是给有家属的工人盖的。 He was sitting in a chair with his hands folded. 他两手交叉在胸前坐在椅子上。(状语)独立结构 They are highly mechanized farms,with machinery to do all the work. 它们是高度机械化的农场,所有工作都由机器进行。(状语)独立结构 I will be with you again in half an hour. 过半个基本上每年滨州成人高考靠近的时候,对于咱们这些工作族来讲,还真的是有点胆战心惊的这种,除非说人家复习好了才能沉稳应对的呢。因此在这类型的考试当中如何考取高分数这些的,还是咱们考生非常关注的话题呢。钟头我还会跟你们在一起的。 (with 的介词短语作表语。另注意in 将来时态in 以后) Our sympathies were with the students persecuted by the gang of four during the cultural revolution. 我们是非常同情“文革”中被“四人帮”迫害的青年学生的。(with 的介词短语作表语)。 海、陆、空、车、偶、被by,单数人类known to man 例: by land (air, sea, water, bus) 陆路(航空,水陆,水路,乘公共汽车)